Wild Paws Sanctuary

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Avoiding Conflict With Black Bears

Learning to Coexist with our Northwoods Neighbors

Black bears, as a species, are highly intelligent, curious and inquisitive. They are also opportunistic feeders, especially as winter approaches.

These characteristics, along with the expansion of the human population into bear territory, can lead to human-bear interactions. Accidental interactions can become deadly for the bear if we are not prepared to handle them correctly. We can coexist with bears and other wildlife if we have the right tools and knowledge to do so.

What you can do To Avoid Conflict

Some things you can do to avoid having black bears in your yard include:

  • Keep your trash inside a building until it is ready to be picked up

  • Avoid having bird feeders in your yard, but if you must have them do not use thistle seed, as these are usually just thrown on the ground

  • Use birdbaths and native plants instead of feeders to attract birds to your yard

  • Never feed your pets outside

  • Secure your grills or smokers in a building

Once a bear has fed easily at a location, it can and will readily come back to feed again. This is especially true of young, inexperienced bears that find garbage cans provide an easier meal than foraging on their own. This can cause the bears or other wild animals to no longer be afraid of humans, as they should be, and in turn lead to them being deemed a nuisance or threat to public safety. Often, these animals have no where to go and are euthanized to prevent further run-ins with humans.

To avoid conflicts with bears, learn some of their behaviors.

Behavioral misunderstandings have led to black bears being classified as dangerous, unintelligent, and clumsy. While black bears do have the strength and power to be dangerous, they are not inherently so. When given the choice of fight or flight, they will generally choose flight either by running away or up a tree. They often will also use a bluff charge (pretending to run after you) to scare you away.

Another misconception is that black bear mothers will attack humans to protect their cubs. This is generally false. Researchers often catch cubs when they are running up trees with the mothers in sight and no attacks have ever been recorded. It is good to note, however, that brown bear mothers have been known to attack humans and to keep in mind that their behaviors do differ from that of black bears. Regardless of species, we should never approach a bear if we come across one and give them space by leaving the area.

Coexisting with wildlife is a rewarding existence and can bring you closer to nature. Just remember some of these tips so you don’t come too close or accidentally lure a bear into your yard. If we all do a little to coexist with bears and other wildlife, we can reduce negative conflicts and focus on the positive and appropriate human-animal interactions.

Part of our mission at Wild Paws is to rescue displaced animals and that includes ones that have fallen victim to habituation and risk euthanasia as a result. Please help bears live peacefully in the wild by keeping these tips in mind, but for the ones that cannot through no real fault of their own, please make a donation to help build Wild Paws so that we may rescue animals in need!

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